3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,12471029, 环面李代数和量子环面代数的表示理论, 2025-01 至 2028-12, 主持
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 11971397, 高维仿射李代数,量子代数与顶点代数, 2020-01 至 2023-12, 主持
1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,11501478,实约化群和无穷维李代数表示论,2016-01至2018-12,主持
31. Fulin Chen; Binyong Sun; Chuyun Wang, Formal manifolds: foundations, Science ChinaMathematics (online), https://doi.org/10.1007/s11425-024-2374-6.
30. Fulin Chen; Xiaoling Liao; Shaobin Tan; Qing Wang, A unified construction of vertex algebras from infinite-dimensional Lie algebras, accepted by Israel Journal of Mathematics, arXiv:2203.16744
29. Fulin Chen; Haisheng Li; Shaobin Tan; Qing Wang, Extended affine Lie algebras, vertex algebras, and general linear groups, Representation Theory, 2025, 29, 69-107.
28. Fulin Chen; Haisheng Li; Shaobin Tan, Toroidal extended affine Lie algebras and vertex algebras, Communications in Contemporary Mathematics,2025, 27, 2450003.
27. Fulin Chen; Xin Huang; Shaobin Tan, , A boson-feimion realization of highest weight modules over glM|N(θ), Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 2024, 40 2879-2903.
26. Fulin Chen; Xin Huang; Shaobin Tan, Highest weight modules for affine and loop superalgebra of osp1|2(C), Algebras and Representation Theory, 2024, 27, 2099-2130.
25. Fulin Chen; Shaobin Tan; Nina Yu, Extended affine Lie algebras, vertex algebras and equivariant φ-coordinated quasi modules, Israel Journal of Mathematics,2024, 259, 347-400.
24. Fulin Chen; Lingen Ding; Qing Wang, Vertex algebras and TKK algebras, Journal of Algebra, 2024, 640, 147-173.
23. Fulin Chen; Xin Huang; Shaobin Tan, Howe duality in the toroidal setting, Journal of Algebra, 2024, 639, 23-59.
22. Fulin Chen; Naihuan Jing; Fei Kong; Shaobin Tan, Twisted quantum affinizations and quantization of extended affine Lie algebras, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 2023, 376, 969-1039.
21. Fulin Chen; Yun Gao; Shaobin Tan, Realization of -modules in category , Representation Theory, 2023, 27, 149-176.
20. Fulin Chen, Huansheng Li, Nina Yu, Irreducible modules of toroidal Lie algebras arising from φ-coordinated modules of vertex algebras, Journal of Algebra, 2022, 611, 110-148.
19. Fulin Chen; Naihuan Jing; Fei Kong; Shaobin Tan, On quantum toroidal algebra of type A1, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 2022, 226, 106814.
18. Fulin Chen; Xiaoling Liao; Shaobin Tan; Qing Wang, (G,χφ)- equivariant φ-coordinated quasi modules for vertex algebras, Journal of Algebra, 2022, 590, 26-60.
17. Fulin Chen; Xin Huang; Shaobin Tan, Orthogonal toroidal Lie algebras, vertex algebras and skew Howe duality, Journal of Lie theory, 32, 2022, 301-312.
16. Fulin Chen; Shaobin Tan; Qing Wang; Nina Yu, On toroidal vertex algebras, Forty Years of Algebraic Groups, Algebraic Geometry, and Representation Theory in China, 2022, 129-144.
15. Fulin Chen; Xiaoling Liao; Shaobin Tan; Qing Wang, Vertex algebras and extended affine Lie algebras coordinated by rational quantum tori, Journal of Algebra, 2021, 569, 111-142.
14. Fulin Chen; Naihuan Jing; Fei Kong; Shaobin Tan, Twisted toroidal Lie algebras and Moody-Rao-Yokonuma presentation, Science China Mathematics, 2021, 64, 1181-1200.
13.Fulin Chen; Zhiqiang Li; Shaobin Tan, Classification of integrable representations for toroidal extended affine Lie algebras, Journal of Algebra, 2021, 574, 1-37.
12. Fulin Chen; Naihuan Jing; Fei Kong; Shaobin Tan, Drinfeld-type presentations of loop algebra, Transactions of the American Mathematics Society, 2020, 37, 7713-7753.
11. Fulin Chen; Binyong Sun, Uniqueness of twisted linear periods and twisted Shalika periods, Science China Mathematics, 2020, 63, 1-22.
10. Fulin Chen; Zhiqiang Li; Shaobin Tan; Integrable representations for toroidal extended affine Lie algebras, Journal of Algebra, 2019, 519, 228-252.
9. Fulin Chen; Naihuan Jing; Fei Kong; Shaobin Tan, Twisted quantum affinizations and their vertex representations, Journal of Mathematics Physics, 2018, 59,081701.
8. Fulin Chen; Shaobin Tan, Fermionic representations of unitary Lie algebras coordinated by skew rings (in Chinese), Science China Mathematics,, 2017, 47, 1515–1524,
7. Fulin Chen; Binyong Sun, Uniquness of Rankin-Selberg periods, International Mathematics Research Notices, 2015, 14, 5849-5873.
6. Fulin Chen; Yun Gao; Naihuan Jing; Shaobin Tan, Twisted vertex operators and unitary Lie algebras, Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 2015, 67, 573-596.
5. Fulin Chen; Shaobin Tan; Qing Wang; Twisted Γ-Lie algebras and their vertex operator representations, Journal of Algebra, 2015, 442, 202-232.
4. Fulin Chen; Shaobin Tan, Integrable representations for extended affine Lie algebras coordinated by quantum tori, Journal of Lie Theory, 2013, 23, 383-405.
3. Xuewu Chang; Fulin Chen; Shaobin Tan, Constructing irreducible integrable modules for extended baby TKK algebra, Science China Mathematics, 2012, 55, 2417-2432.
2. Fulin Chen; Shaobin Tan, Vertex operator representations for a class of BCν -graded Lie algebras, AMS/IP Stud. Adv. Math. 2012, 51, 315–326.
1. Fulin Chen; Shaobin Tan, Twisted fermionic and bosonic representations for a class of BC-graded Lie algebras, Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 2011, 6,607-628.